Monday, January 14, 2008

I'll get it this time...

Today we met in that classroom to have a little lecture. I was able to watch some of Jill's newscasts from when she was in college. I was surprised to find out that she was only 17 when she started college. After watching one newscast from her freshman year we watched one from the stage in her career that she felt most confident with herself... it was a HUGE change. So, that gives me hope that I'll be able to get better and improve on my voice and look. We also had a little girls session and Jill showed us girls what make-up she uses and how she uses it. She also told us were to go to get it! Something else I found interesting that we talked about was in these packets that she gave us. It was all about breathing techniques and how to keep from getting nervous. There were some things that I would not have thought to do... like yawning... who would known?! After that it was time to go over to the tv studio.

Today was my day to be one of the anchors. My co-anchor was Davina Horton . We both had a lot of fun together! Granted...we did both mess up a few times... it was funny because I was like "Okay, I got it this time!" But yeah... i messed up again. Sakshi was so hard for me to say, I kept asking her in class... "How do you pronounce your name again?... Did I say it right?" lol. Don't worry though we got the news done!

1 comment:

Davina said...

Anchoring with you was lots of fun! We did to do it live next time, so we don't mess up so much! lol